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Brian Mimbs

Brian Mimbs currently serves as a Policy Coordinator for the Executive Office of the Governor. Mimbs has an extensive background in state government leadership, most recently serving as the Deputy Secretary for the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation and Chief of Staff for Enterprise Florida. He is a graduate of Troy University where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science and history.


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Steven Lerner

Steven Lerner currently serves as a Senior Planner for Seminole County where he has established and highlighted benefits of public, private, and nonprofit sector initiatives through community planning efforts and agency engagement. Previously, he has served as a Mitigation and Recovery Coordinator and an Emergency Management Specialist for Seminole County. Steven is both a Certified Emergency Manager and a Florida Professional Emergency Manager. He received his Bachelor of Science in Public Administration with a minor in Emergency Management and Homeland Security from the University of Central Florida and his Masters in Public Safety and Service Leadership from Drury University.


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Javier Marques

Javier Marques currently serves as the Vice President of Operations and Safety and Chief of Staff at Florida International University (FIU), as well as Executive Director of the Academy for International Disaster Preparedness. Mr. Marques has over 23 years of experience in public administration, higher education administration, and public safety. Prior to joining FIU in 2008, Mr. Marques was Chief of Staff for Miami-Dade County. He has been credited for organizing and directing several hurricane relief missions within Florida in the aftermath of numerous hurricanes, as well as the largest organized relief effort to Mississippi in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. 


Taryn Fenske

Taryn Fenske brings a decade of dedicated public service to the State of Florida with a focus on disaster response and management. She previously held key positions in Florida's executive offices, including Communications Director for Governor Ron DeSantis and Deputy Chief of Staff at the Florida Department of Education. Taryn, a Florida State University alumna, has been instrumental in coordinating communication strategies during crucial times, ensuring the state's resilience in the face of natural disasters and emergencies.

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Chris Spencer

Chris Spencer serves as the Executive Director of the Florida State Board of Administration (FSBA), overseeing over $250 billion in assets, including Florida’s public employee pension fund, defined contribution retirement plan, and Florida PRIME.

Chris is also responsible for the management of the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund, a statutorily established reinsurance entity providing $17 billion of coverage for Florida’s property insurance companies. He has held senior roles in both chambers of the Florida Legislature, worked as a Government Consultant, and served as Director of Policy and Budget in the Executive Office of the Governor. He was also part of the DeSantis-Nuñez Transition Team, advising on economic policy . 


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